As you may have guessed, this purpose of this blog is to give me a chance to get out all of my thoughts regarding politics, and various lines of political thought, but with a distinct focus on Marxism. But before I get into specifics, I'll speak about myself.
I am twenty-one years old, married, Mormon, a student of Political Science and Philosophy at Southern Utah University, I have every intention of completing a Ph.D in Political Theory by the time I am thirty, but above all, I am a Marxist. That's right, a Mormon Marxist. Astonishing, I know. However, let me be plain: I am not a fair-weather Marxist, for lack of a better term. I do not call myself a Marxist because I am twenty-one and in college; quite the contrary. I have been studying Marx since I was sixteen years old. Granted, at the time my knowledge and level of study was very limited, but as time has gone on my interest has increased, as has my level of study and knowledge. Indeed, I intend to study Marx for my Doctorate. In short, I do not call myself a Marxist out of what some might call misplaced, youthful idealism, but rather out a genuine interest and belief in the principles of Marxism.
Before I close this post I would like to give some insight as to the name of the blog itself. As far as I know, the word "meccamputechture" was first used as the title for a Mars Volta album released in 2006. It should be obvious that the word is a composite of "mecca," (no religious connotation at all) "amputate," and "architecture." So it means, as far I am concerned, metaphorically cutting away the broken, rotten, and ruined parts of our society so we can move on to something better and start fresh.
However, let me be plain, for both the sake of my readers and my own peace of mind: I am not, and will no, preach violent revolution. Marxism has moved well beyond that, as I will explain another time, and is a much more mellow line of political thought than the Revolutionary Marxist that prevailed in the 20th Century, and what the vast majority of Americans seem to be familiar with.
Keep in mind that I will be doing my best to post weekly, and I, of course, take the liberty of going off on tangents and discussing things that are completely off-topic. However, my posts will generally stick to my own Marxist thought, the thought of others, including Marx himself in an attempt to educate my readers, and how Marxism and Neo-Marxism can be applied to the comings and going of politics and economics in the United States, with a spattering of thoughts on some other political theories as they come up in American politics or my studies.
However, let me be plain, for both the sake of my readers and my own peace of mind: I am not, and will no, preach violent revolution. Marxism has moved well beyond that, as I will explain another time, and is a much more mellow line of political thought than the Revolutionary Marxist that prevailed in the 20th Century, and what the vast majority of Americans seem to be familiar with.
Keep in mind that I will be doing my best to post weekly, and I, of course, take the liberty of going off on tangents and discussing things that are completely off-topic. However, my posts will generally stick to my own Marxist thought, the thought of others, including Marx himself in an attempt to educate my readers, and how Marxism and Neo-Marxism can be applied to the comings and going of politics and economics in the United States, with a spattering of thoughts on some other political theories as they come up in American politics or my studies.